C. Pina Hernandez, V. Lacatena, G. Calafiore, S. Dhuey, K. Kravtsov, A. Goltsov, D. Olynick, V. Yankov, S. Cabrini, C. Peroz,
A Route for Fabricating Printable Photonic Devices with Sub-10 nm Resolution,
Nanotechnology 24, 065301 (2013).
V. Svetikov, C. Peroz, I. Ivonin, S. Dhuey, S. Cabrini, S. Babin, A. Goltsov, V. Yankov ,
Selection of High Order Lateral Modes in Broad Area Laser Diodes by Digital Planar Hologram,
JOSA B, Vol. 30, Issue 3, pp. 610-614 (2013).
S. Dhuey, C. Peroz, G. Calafiore, D. Olynick, S. Cabrini,
Obtaining nanoimprint template gratings with 10 nm half-pitch by atomic layer deposition enabled spacer double patterning,
Nanotechnology 24, 065301 (2013).
C. Peroz, S. Dhuey, M. Cornet, M. Volker, D. Olynick, S. Cabrini,
Single digit nanofabrication by step-and-repeat nanoimprint lithography,
Nanotechnology 23, 015305 (2012).
C. Welch, D. L. Olynick, Z. Liu, A. Holmberg, C. Peroz, A.. Robinson, M. D. Henry, A. Scherer, T. Mollenhauer, V. Genovai and D. K. T. Ng,
Formation of nanoscale structures by Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching,
Proc. SPIE 870002 (2012) 76383N
Cosimo Calo, Valeria Lacatena, Scott D. Dhuey, Stefano Cabrini, Sergey Babin, Christophe Peroz, Alexander Koshelev, Igor Ivonin, Alexander Goltsov, and Vladimir Yankov
Fabrication of digital planar holograms into high refractive index waveguide core for spectroscopy-on-chip applications,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B30, 06FE01 (2012)
C. Peroz, C. Calo, A. Goltsov, S. Dhuey, A. Koshelev, P. Sasorov, I. Ivonin, S. Babin, S. Cabrini, V. Yankov,
Multiband wavelength demultiplexer based on digital planar holography for on-chip spectroscopy applications,
Optics Letters 37.4, p695-7 (2012)
C. Peroz, S. Dhuey, A. Goltsov, M. Volger, B. Harteneck, S. Kopyatev, S. Cabrini, S. Babin, V. Yankov,
Digital Planar Holographic spectrometer-on-chip fabricated by Step and Repeat UV nanoimprint lithography on pre-spin coated films,
Microelectronic Eng. 21, 445301 (2011)
S. Babin; K. Bay; S. Cabrini; S. Dhuey; B. Harteneck; M. Machin; C. Peroz,
Fabrication of a new BEAMETR chip for automatic electron beam size measurement,
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C. Peroz, S. Babin S. Cabrini, S. Dhuey. A. Goltsov, I. Ivonin, E.b. Kley, H. Schhmidt, V. Yankov ,
Fabrication of Novel Digital Spectrometer-on-chip,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27 3187 (2009)
C. Peroz, S. Babin, M. Machin, E. Anderson, S. Cabrini, S. Dhuey, and B. Harteneck
Fabrication of 20 nm patterns for automatic measurements of electron beam size using BEAMETR technique,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B27(6) (2009) 3220